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Chinese translation for "junk pile"


Related Translations:
junkes:  容克斯
junk scrap:  劣质废钢铁小块废铁
junk price:  赔本价钱。
junk mail:  垃圾邮件,三等邮件〔指大量邮寄的广告、宣传品、通知单、征求意见单,征求订户单〕。
junk shot:  炸碎井下落鱼的炸药包
junk trap:  废料捕集器
junk bit:  磨铣钻头
junk sculpture:  废料雕塑
junk fax:  (传真机从外界收到的)大批宣传性传真件,垃圾传真件(如广告等)。
junked car:  旧车,廉价车廉价车
Example Sentences:
1.He found an eletric motor in a junk pile
2.Found him in a junk pile
3.Once consigned to the genomic junk pile , however , pseudogenes are released from this selection pressure and are free to accumulate all kinds of mutations , including changes that would be deleterious to normal genes
4.Many internet users find that over time their computers become loaded with unwanted software - be it adware , spyware or just plain junk . this is because a few applications they installed came bundled with junk , and that junk generated more junk piled higher and deeper
Similar Words:
"junk mail prohibitor" Chinese translation, "junk man" Chinese translation, "junk market" Chinese translation, "junk mill" Chinese translation, "junk ore" Chinese translation, "junk pipe" Chinese translation, "junk point" Chinese translation, "junk price" Chinese translation, "junk remover" Chinese translation, "junk retriever" Chinese translation